Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who am I? And why should you cook my recipes?

Who Am I? I am not a writer. I am not an educated chef. I am a girl who loves to eat and cook. I have a big stomach, and a very thin wallet.

My love for cooking comes from my mother. Cooking with her and learning from her for the past 22 years- accompanied by hours on hours of Food Network, reading cook books, and idolizing my favorite celebrity chefs, I feel as though I have an established toolkit and imagination for creating delicious meals and dishes. My small (near nonexistent) budget has led to another element of my cooking- my recipes are not only delicious, they are easy to make, accessible to shop for, and are easy on the wallet.

My idea: From one (inexpensive) grocery shopping trip, I will make yummy, filling, and healthy meals for the next week. I will share my lists and my recipes, as well as tips for using the leftovers in new and creative ways and options to splurge on the recipes by spending a few more dollars. Using seasonal produce and weekly savings at my grocery store, I will help guide you to creating your own penniless meals!

So let's pour a glass of (cheap) wine, start making our grocery lists, and start counting our pennies!

1 comment:

  1. hey meghan!
    I found your blog from your facebook page- i love it!! I actually started a cooking/baking blog this summer as well, so I thought you might like to check it out :) Your recipes look yummyyyy- i'll definitely be trying them out! my blog is

    talk to you later- hope you're doing well!
