Monday, October 24, 2011

The Spaghetti Squash and Eggplant Challenge

Yesterday I stocked up at Harris Teeter and really wanted to challenge myself to load the cart with produce and to try new veggies that I don't eat often, and never cook.

The first thing to catch my eye was eggplant. Not only was it on sale, but it intrigued me because I do not eat eggplant often. What I like about eggplant is that it is a meaty vegetable and can take the place of meat in main dishes (I'm not a big meat eater). I also like the size of eggplant, and for solo cooking I can use it in multiple dishes and multiple ways. My personal challenge is to cook two new recipes using eggplant.

To add more challenge, a spaghetti squash caught my eye mainly because of its 99 cent per pound price tag. My mom has cooked spaghetti squash, and it is unbelievably delicious (and really does mimic pasta!) It is a healthier alternative, and again, a large vegetable that I am hoping to use in at least two new recipes.

So my challenge: Two new vegetables. Four entrees. Wish me luck!

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